Vivek Ravisankar.


Cover Image for Peace
Vivek Ravisankar
Vivek Ravisankar

One way to make the journey less stressful for an entrepreneur is to worry a lot about why the north star will decline in the future and proactively fix. The irony.

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How to critique?

I wanted to share some of my startup lessons that I have learnt over the last 7 years. I wasn’t sure of the exact format – is it a blog post or a tweet storm or a combination? So, I decided to....

Vivek Ravisankar
Vivek Ravisankar
Cover Image for Startup Learnings

Startup Learnings

I wanted to share some of my startup lessons that I have learnt over the last 7 years. I wasn’t sure of the exact format – is it a blog post or a tweet storm or a combination? So, I decided to....

Vivek Ravisankar
Vivek Ravisankar